“I feel comfortable and safe, i also feel a sense of belonging.”
- Atawhai rangatahi, 2022
Our Vision
Our vision is for every young person in Aotearoa to have the tools to overcome challenges, improve their wellbeing and live a meaningful life.

Our Mission
TKI exists to empower marginalised communities in Aotearoa, to support wellbeing, through movement and mindfulness, community and leadership. We strive to create equity in wellbeing through our mahi (work) that is financially accessible, is grounded in te ao Māori and focuses on extensive, long-lasting change within the communities we serve.
Why It Matters
How we create change
As an organisation, we develop, deliver and grow mindfulness and stress management programs in partnership with young people throughout Tamaki Mākaurau / Auckland. Core aspects of our kaupapa include:
- Community-mandated, rangatahi-led
- Aligned with kaupapa Māori principles
- Guided by Te Whare Tapa Whā health framework
- Tuku Iho (training the trainer) model of passing on knowledge
Our youth are empowered to teach mindfulness, yoga and stress management tools to their community. This model has been hugely successful to date, especially with regard to enhancing wellbeing and strengthening identity, connection and access to opportunities.
Our kaupapa is also focused on educating, encouraging and promoting mental health and wellbeing, as well as promoting community connectedness, social participation and cultural expression.
Click below for more information on our core youth development programs and results to date.

“I feel so happy and content with myself after being with Atawhai. I have learnt self control and peace within myself.”